Here you can download zip-ed exe files (116)
together with sources in cpp format.

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I am sory, but most programs are in Slovenian. Where the text is bold in description, those codes and programs are in English.

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FILE SIZE CONTENT DESCRIPTION 33 kB exe, cpp Program calculate how many and which bank notes we need for paymend 2 kB exe, cpp This program sets the default console color to 'color' 33 kB exe, cpp Program for calculation bigest equal divider of two numbers 3 kB exe, cpp Program for calculation of scope and surface of Elipse 82 kB exe, hlp Program for calculation of scope and surface of triangle, angles, sides, high and kind of triangle, prints all data and results into txt or xml file 36 kB exe, cpp Program for calculation of scope and surface of triangle from data on input file 35 kB exe This program is mind reader - we think on one number from 1 to 63 and programme guess it! 34 kB exe, cpp Game Tic Tac Toe for two players 124 kB exe, cpp Program calculating consumption of fuel on 100 km for our car, truck, ... The results prints in any named txt file, and later add new results 6 kB exe, cpp Program for conversion of tolars in eur and inverse 3 kB exe, cpp This program is sieve and search prime numbers in area starting from 1 to 14000000 39 kB exe, cpp, h Four in the row - Simple Board Game by Author Inder Mohan Singh ( for two players 39 kB exe, cpp, txt Hangman is well known game for two players or one against the commputer.You can add your list of words in txt file. 33 kB exe, cpp Business Card Program writes your business card on the screen 33 kB exe, cpp Program for sum, sub and div two numbers 33 kB exe, cpp Program for quader calculating 33 kB exe, cpp Program for calculating sum and average of two numbers 2 kB exe, cpp Program calculate sum of int numbers in line 3 kB exe, cpp In typed text replaced all white spaces with sign _ and print num of characters 3 kB exe, cpp For students Grades (1-10) print kind of Grade (switch) 2 kB exe, cpp For students Grades (1-10) print kind of Grade (switch) (if) 3 kB exe, cpp Program convert angle in degrees into gones 3 kB exe, cpp, txt Program for copying data from input file to output file 35 kB exe, cpp, txt Program for calculating longines between coordinates of two points 33 kB exe, cpp Program calculate sum of int numbers in line: 1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + 1/25 + ... 3 kB exe, cpp Program calculate area of elipse 33 kB exe, cpp Program calculate exponent of real number 35 kB exe, cpp, txt Program for calculating longines between coordinates of two points 2 kB exe, cpp Program finds, if is given number even or odd 2 kB exe, cpp Program finds, if is given number even or odd 2 kB exe, cpp Program finds, if is given number positive or negative 2 kB exe, cpp Program finds, if is given number positive or negative 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that transforms given angle into degrees, minutes and seconds to radians 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that transforms given angle into radians to degrees, minutes and on one decimal rounded seconds 3 kB exe, cpp Program for conversion Celsius degrees into Fahrenheit and vice versa 3 kB exe, cpp Program for conversion degrees to radians and vice versa 3 kB exe, cpp Program for conversion degrees to gons and vice versa 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that calculates volume and surface of cuboid 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that clculates volume and surface of cylinder 2 kB exe, cpp Program from given string data, that it contains name of mountain and height of mountain aside and it keeps it in suitable larg new character aray and transforms height into whole value and stores away it in whole variable 2 kB exe, cpp Program from given string data, that it contains name of mountain and height of mountain aside and it keeps it in suitable larg new character aray and transforms height into whole value and stores away it in whole variable 2 kB exe, cpp Program from given string data, that it contains name of mountain and height of mountain aside and it keeps it in suitable larg new character aray and transforms height into whole value and stores away it in whole variable 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that from character string date in standard record sets aside day, month and year, it transforms them into whole values and them then stores away to suitable three short whole variables 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that from given aray skupaj, that contains longer text sets aside all word (without white spaces) and them stores away to suitable characters arays 2 kB exe, cpp Program, that from character array polja text random longines n, output all ASCII values of characters 2 kB exe, cpp The program delivered a line of text written in a suitably sized box character, the actual length read text and displays the ASCII value of each character in the string, using for, while and the while loop 2 kB exe, cpp The program determines the length of the text string with the FOR, WHILE, DO WHILE loop and the function strlen () 3 kB exe, cpp Program in the array of sign text of any length n determines the length of the character letters, numbers, how much and how many spaces 3 kB exe, cpp Program in the array of sign text of any length n determines how many contain vowels and how many consonants are three ways to for, while and the while loop 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which cut right across the screen on as long as the text and stores it in a array tekst maximum length of 80 characters, and then overwrite the contents of a string in the arrayt tsket in reverse order 2 kB exe, cpp Program read given string and reversed display 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines and displays the set of the first n Fibonacci numbers 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines and displays the set of the first n Fibonacci numbers 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines how many times the given character appears in the specified character string 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines how many times the given character appears in the specified character string, other way (direct, only character e !) while loop 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines how many times the given character appears in the specified character string, with for loop 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which determines how many times the given character appears in the specified character string, with do while loop 3 kB exe, cpp The program, which given lines of text written in a suitably sized array and character displays on the screen, then with DO WHILE loop, determinate actual length of the string to the null character, then with WHILE loop determine and display the number of spaces, at the end with FOR loop display text in reverse order 3 kB exe, cpp The program, which delivered a line of text written in a suitably sized array and character displayed on the screen, then with WHILE loop, the actual length of the string to the null character, then with DO WHILE loop displayed on the screen (character by character) the entire string without spaces, and simultaneously counted and at the end displays the number of spaces in the character string at the end with FOR loop displays the entire string (character by character) in the reverse order 2 kB exe, cpp The program, given line of text written in a suitably sized array, and then read the actual length of the text, then displays the ASCII value of each character in the string and on the three possible ways: using while, for a while, and for loops 2 kB exe, cpp The program, given line of text written in a suitably sized array character, and then the output on the screen read the actual length of the text, then display the entire text on the screen in reverse order (back to front) and omitting all spaces in the text 3 kB exe, cpp The program, given line of text entered in the appropriate array and a lot of character display on the screen, read the text, then replaces all lowercase letters with the appropriate uppercase and vice versa (using the function isalpha (), islower (), isupper (), tolower () and touper ()). New Revised text is displayed on the screen 3 kB exe, cpp The program, given line of text written in a suitably sized character box display on the screen, read the text, then copied the whole text in another relevant field and a lot of character in reverse order (back to front). New text then display on the screen, first as a whole, and then the character by character, with the printing replaces all spaces in the text vezlajem (character'-') 3 kB exe, cpp Program for transcribing-copy the contents of the input txt files (character by character) to a new output txt file 3 kB exe, cpp Program to calculate the sum of the squares of the first n whole series of articles [100] and a way of adding squared even only negative elements of array sequence (FOR) 3 kB exe, cpp Program to calculate the sum of the squares of the first n whole series of articles [100] and a way of adding squared even only negative elements of array sequence (WHILE) 3 kB exe, cpp Program to calculate the sum of the squares of the first n whole series of articles [100] and a way of adding squared even only negative elements of array sequence (DO WHILE) 3 kB exe, cpp Program, depending on the value of the variable whole day, the following message display: nedefenirano if the value is 0, Ponedeljek, in the case of 1, (SWITCH) 3 kB exe, cpp Program, depending on the value of the variable whole day, the following message display: nedefenirano if the value is 0, Ponedeljek, in the case of 1, (IF-ELSE) 3 kB exe, cpp Program to display appropriate notices to the specification sentences given variable 3 kB exe, cpp The program, that for typed grade (1-10) with the word display what it is (switch statement) 3 kB exe, cpp The program, that for typed grade (1-10) with the word display what it is (if statement) 3 kB exe, cpp Program to determine the maximum and minimum number in the sequence and location, where there are 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which sets the matrix matr[50][50] to 1 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which sets the whole sequence z[50] to 1,2,3,,49,50 3 kB exe, cpp The program, which sets the real matrix a[50][50] to zero, real matrix b[50][50] to 1 and the whole sequence z[50] to 1,2,3,,49,50 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which sets the real matrix e[50][50] for first n elements (n <= 50) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sequence zap[55] of real numbers appropriate sequence z_2 [55] Articles square 2 kB exe, cpp A program that calculates the sum of the whole array, Articles m[22][22], which lie on the main diagonal 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the character sequence zap[50] in the character sequence obr[50] in reverse order 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the character sequence zap[50] in the character sequence obr[50] in reverse order 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the character sequence zap[50] in the character sequence obr[50] in reverse order 3 kB exe, cpp A program that scans the whole sequence zap[100] and count all elements that are greater than zero, less than zero or equal to zero 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which calculates the approximate value for PI using the first hundred articles (for and while) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of all elements of real 2D array (matrix) matr[11][11] 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the product of all elements of real 2D array (matrix) matr[11][11], which lie on the main diagonal 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of all elements of real 2D array (matrix) matr[11][11], which lie above the main diagonal 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of all elements of real 2D array (matrix) matr[11][11], which lie below the main diagonal 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of all elements of real array matr[11], [11], which is greater than zero, less than zero, and counts the number of articles that are zero 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the two articles a real sequences a[99] and b[99] to the n-th article (n<99) using the following formula: Vsota = a1b1 +a2b2 ++an-1bn-1anbn 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the two articles a real sequences a[99] and b[99] to the n-th article (n<99) using the following formula: Vsota = a1b1 +a2b2 ++an-1bn-1anbn 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the entire real matrix matr[9][9] into sequence zap[81] in order following the lines 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the entire real matrix matr[9][9] into sequence zap[81] in order following the columns (1.) 2 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the entire real matrix matr[9][9] into sequence zap[81] in order following the columns (2.) 3 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the given whole vector vrsta[100] in the whole matrix mat[10][10] following a row (the first ten Articles vector vrsta in the first row of matrix, etc.) 3 kB exe, cpp A program that overwrites the given whole vector vrsta[100] in the whole matrix mat[10][10] following a columns (the first ten Articles vector vrsta in the first column of matrix, etc.) 2 kB exe, cpp A program that searches and displays all divisors integer n 2 kB exe, cpp A program that calculates the sum of all even integers up to 100 (n = 2,4,100) in three ways: with for, while and while loop 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the product of the first n entire array Articles zaporedje[200] in such a way to multiply only the positive elements of array zaporedje(for) 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the product of the first n entire array Articles zaporedje[200] in such a way to multiply only the positive elements of array zaporedje(while) 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the product of the first n entire array Articles zaporedje[200] in such a way to multiply only the positive elements of array zaporedje(do while) 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n-entire Articles zap[200] by summing the only odd positive elements of sequence zap (for) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n-entire Articles zap[200] by summing the only odd positive elements of sequence zap (while) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n-entire Articles zap[200] by summing the only odd positive elements of sequence zap (do while) 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n Articles entire array vrsta[200] and so that just sum a third element of array vrsta, starting at the second element (for) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n Articles entire array vrsta[200] and so that just sum a third element of array vrsta, starting at the second element (while) 2 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n Articles entire array vrsta[200] and so that just sum a third element of array vrsta, starting at the second element (do while) 3 kB exe, cpp Program that calculates the sum of the first n Articles entire array vrsta[200] and so that just sum a third element of array vrsta, starting at the second element and also display all the numbers that are divisible by 5 2 kB exe, cpp Program from the given string, which contains the following string: static char naslov[] = "Jamova 2" eliminate street name and stores it in another relevant large array and display obtained arrays on the screen 32 kB exe, cpp The program, which displays the values ​​of variables and their inter-relationship 32 kB exe, cpp The program, which displays the value of the variable 2 kB exe, cpp The program, that the content of the strings (arrays) put together in a common array, or overwrite them one by one in a suitably sized array along with the spaces and punctuation and all display on the screen 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which displays the value of the variable 2 kB exe, cpp The program, which displays the values for variables in various combinations 1 kB cpp Display the relevant specification statements in C for float, int and double 3 kB exe, cpp Display events in the functions and their explanations

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